Sunday, February 26, 2006

Updates are comin'

Sorry for the lack of updates in the past week. There hasn't been much CTI news, and I've been working a good amount of hours lately. I don't get much down-time with taking 15 credits and working 30 hours a week on top of that. I'll throw something together tomorrow though.

Oh, I'm thinking about starting up a new blog on the side. I've found that my job gives me a LOT of things to write about, so I'm not going to waste any space on this ATC blog anymore for that kind of thing. I'm intending to write about the more intangible aspects of the job, since what I do affords me a fairly unique view of society and people. It's kind of a social experiment of sorts. I've started taking notes on funny and strange happenings during my shift, so I'll throw up some posts on the other blog and see if anyone reads. And hey, if nobody reads, no worries. At least it's one way to keep me sane.


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