Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Ugh. TRAN17 is killing me slowly. I just got an 84% on the last test, and I know that I could do better. But as Peter from the classic movie "Office Space" put it: "You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care." The problem is, I'm not going to get a promotion if I don't do well in this class. I keep telling myself that it's important to do the best that I can in these classes, since the FAA just might use GPA for hiring (even though they say it'll be based on ATSAT score). The upside is that I'm still doing just fine in all of my classes (though I did miss a couple small homework assignments last week), so as long as I concentrate on getting done, I know that I can do well.

I can tell you that working and going to school full time does take a pretty good toll on you. I'm finding myself feeling worn out quite a bit, which is definitely not a very good thing at all. The hours that I'm working (roughly 30/week) and going to school (13 hours/week, plus an online class) aren't what are wearing me out. I'm simply experiencing the effects of not having had a break in quite a while. The last actual "day off" that I had was February 3rd, which was the friday I came back from the Bay Area. Since then, I've either been working or going to school. Every day. Here's my typical schedule, which was my actual one last week:

Monday - School: 1pm - 6pm
Tuesday - Work: 12pm - 4pm, School: 7pm - 10pm
Wednesday - School: 1pm - 4pm, Work: 5pm - 10pm
Thursday - School: 11am - 2pm (the closest I have to a day off)
Friday - Work: 4pm - midnight
Saturday - Work: 6:30pm - 1:30am
Sunday - Work: 5:30pm - 11pm

I can't even consider taking actual weekends off either, that is, unless I don't like making rent. Big money is on weekends, and I think I've worked every weekend for jeez, the last 6 months (exception: the 2 weeks I was unemployed when I first moved to LA)? I guess I'm just a big workaholic or something. I don't feel comfortable if I didn't do something productive during the day. If I have a day off from school, I feel like I should be out making money.

Now, next week will be even worse. This last week, I didn't have to work friday night if I didn't want to. I wasn't scheduled for it, but I figured that it was a great way to make some good cash (at the expense of my mental health, but that's another story). Apparently I proved to management that I could handle it, because they scheduled me for a new shift on top of my usual tuesday, wednesday, saturday, and sunday shifts, and starts next week: friday 4pm-9pm.

Don't get me wrong. I'm psyched that they're already putting me on such a lucrative shift. That should secure my goal of bringing home $2300+/month, assuming they keep me on that shift in the following weeks. My schedule since day 1 hasn't changed much so far, so I think that this should be a fairly permanent thing. But, now I have absolutely no way of taking a day off for the next month, that is, until my thursday class finishes up. Yuck. I wonder if I can handle that.

I could very well take this friday off, on which I'm planning on picking up a shift. I hear thursday nights are very lucrative (and rival saturday nights), so I'll see about that. Then again, having a single day off for the next month doesn't sound like much fun either. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to man up and do it.

This all makes me realize just how easy ERAU was. All I had to do there was concentrate on school. It's amazing that I only got a 2.975 GPA when all I had to do was study. Right now I'm trying to maintain something close to a 4.0, plus I'm having to work to pay rent. I guess I can be happy that the classes are just so stupidly easy here. Heh.

Oh, I made a bit of an edit to the title of my blog. I think it's very fitting.

Auf wiedersehen.


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