Thursday, January 26, 2006

Endlich spaß

Things are finally starting to get up to full speed this week. I just started my new job at Applebee's, and at least one of my classes has turned out to be not so much of a joke afterall. I've written previously that I really didn't feel as though I was learning a great deal in my CTI classes. Granted, I just started the program this month, but it feels as though progress is slow from week to week. Maybe I'm just impatient.

AIRT42 has turned out to be an exception. Though we're still going over basics such as "this is an ILS," "these are the different types of airspace," etc., I can tell that we're going to get into some challenging material soon enough. I think that once we get into radar and non-radar separation, this class will be much better.

The job is going well so far. On my first day I closed the lunch shift, which wasn't expected at all. Also, I've found this restaurant to be a much better place to work than my previous store. I kind of chuckled when the interviewer told me that being a server there is tough, and not everyone (including transfers) did well enough to stick around. Also, they seemed overly interested in just how much volume my old store worked per week. Well, I got a quick lesson on why exactly that is.

This new restaurant effectively handles double the traffic of my old store, but with half the staffing. That may not seem smart, but personally I think it's very smart. The restaurant itself doesn't need to waste money on paying excessive amounts of servers, and the servers themselves make more money. It's win/win.

I do think I was the target of a test on tuesday, which is understandable. We cut very aggressively to a 3-floor (with traffic that I'm used to seeing with six or more servers on), and I found myself with a 13 table section. Suddenly, my section was getting sat at a very rapid-fire pace with the managers watching me very closely. I was working 6-7 tables continuously for the next hour or so, which is a pretty damn high workload, especially when you haven't been doing the job for almost a month. At any rate, I ended up working my section very smoothly and made some good cash out of the deal.

I don't mean to sound like I'm trying to talk this place up...I'm not. It definitely requires a different caliber of person to work here. I'm scheduled to close lunch on friday, which I hear is an absolutely insane shift. We'll see how it goes. :D



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